One More Blessed Annual Bird Blessing Undertaken
by Dawn Fraser Kawahara, Board President Our Ka `Imi Institute’s (KII’s) annual forest Bird Blessing was definitely blessed by not only the famed mist of Koke`e on the cool, damp morning of Fri., Mar. 4th, 2022, but by some steady ua. Showers descended upon the...
Annual Blessing for Conservation agencies and Pōhaku Hula workday
By Keahi Manea Since early 2012, Ka `Imi Institute members have collaborated with Kaua`i Forest Bird Recovery Project to provide a blessing for the Project’s spring research season. Dr. Cali Crampton, Project Director, requested the first blessing as they planned the...‘PROJECT LOKAHI’ REVISITED
In Hawai`i, winter solstice occurs in 2020 just after midnight on Dec. 21: 12:02 a.m. Since the longest daylight of the year occurred, measured during the summer solstice in June, daylight has been shortening–sunset by sunset–until winter solstice arrives now, giving the shortest period of daylight of the year.

Mahalo to the Representatives and Volunteers of Hui O Laka for the Virtual Emalani Festival 2020
from Board Directors of Ka `Imi Na`auao o Hawai`i Nei Institute: “Thank you for not allowing an absence to occur at our favorite ‘Emalani-time’ this challenging year of the pandemic, 2020. It was wonderful to be able to “attend” and enjoy the Festival through the...
News from Austria-Performances 2019
March 2019 Japanese Cultural Exchange in Vienna Dancers from our German and Swiss Halau performed during the evening event of a Japanese cultural music exchange in Vienna. 2019 was the year of the 150 anniversary of the Japan-Austrian friendship and this evening event...
Blessing for Kokee Forest Birds
On Friday, March 1, 2019, our Ka ’Imi Institute was in Kokee to work with the Kauai Forest Bird Recovery Project. The puaiohi, ‘akeke’e and ‘akikiki are the forest birds being studied, with the hope of increasing their numbers. Other groups represented were Kauai...
Mana, Kapu, and Noa at Keahualaka
Abstract of paper for Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA 9-14 February, 2016. To be presented at the New Proposed Session: The Experiential Roots of Mana MANA, KAPU, AND NOA AT KEAHUALAKA, A SACRED HAWAIIAN SITE AT...
‘Hawaiian style’ lesson plans DVD soon to be released; Ka `Imi Institute continues global cultural exchange
Members of Ka `Imi Na`auao o Hawai`i Nei Institute are pleased to announce the upcoming release of a teaching video and series of lesson plans, “He Mele no Kane; Hawaiians as Scientists.” This innovative teaching tool promotes cultural learning through films...
Praise for Recalling Hawaii California
Dear Roselle and Jim, Savitri, and the Board, Cast, and Supporters of Ka’imi Na’Auao ‘o Hawai’i Nei: Mahalo Nui Loa for the gift that you gave the people of California. Your Marin performance of “Recalling Hawaii” was absolutely...
Homeward Bound – Hana Hou! Magazine
Hana Hou! Magazine Homeward Bound Story by Shannon Wianecki Story by Shannon Wianecki Photo by Sue Hudelson In 1975 a resolute kumu hula (hula teacher) named Roselle Bailey took on the restoration of Keahualaka, an ancient hula amphitheater on Kaua‘i that had fallen...
California Ho’ike
Kahiko Ha Lapa I Hula Alapa’i O Ke Anuenue under the direction of Lynn Roth, gathered for a pot luck and Ho’ike, on May 5th, 2013. All four classes experienced dancing together, some for the first time. Besides new dances, we performed several...
Kokee Non-Native Plant Clearing
Ka`Imi members help clear non-native plants in a select area of the forest in Koke`e with the guidance of the Plant Conservation group. Veiw Flicker Photo Gallery HereRecalling Hawai`i – Hilo Performance
Story of Recalling Hawaii in Hilo Hawaii 2013 RH Hilo moolelo Hawaiian
Revisiting Emalani Festival 2012
IT WAS ALL ABOUT FEATHERS… by Dawn Fraser Kawahara © Dec. 2012 . . . Yes, feathers. Floating. . . beautiful, soft feathers. Like those of angel wings as often depicted, and then, too, our birds of Koke`e, the treasured jewels of our high mountain island. An...
Recalling Hawai’i – Maui Performance
Ka`Imi Na`auao `o Hawai`i Nei Institute Presents RECALLING HAWAI`I Read the Review View the Photos JUNE 2, 2012 6:30 PM MACC CASTLE THEATER Recalling Hawai`i,” is a hula and history chronicle, spanning from Kumulipo beginnings through present times and...
Aloha kākou e nā makamaka: He lā hoihoi nō ka 18 o Pepeluali. Ua hele mākou ka po`e hula a me ka po`e mālama manu puaiohi i Koke`e no ka hana ho`opōmaika`i `ana i ke ho`omaka`ana i ka lākou kau mālama manu kupu lau. `O ka Forest Bird Recovery Project (FBRC) ka inoa o...
Maile Awards Luau
Members of Kaimi Na`auao O Hawaii Nei institute joined the Malie Foundation in honoring all kumu hula on Kauai and around the world (especially those honorees on Kauai) at Smith’s Tropical Paradise in Wailua. Honorees included Ku’ulei Punu, Roselle Bailey, Kapu...
Eo Emalani Festival
2011 E`o Emalanai Program for Ka`Imi Na`auao O Hawai`I Nei Institute Aloha tatou. Ka ‘Imi Na’auao o Hawai’i Nei Institute is an educational non-profit organization founded by Roselle Keli’ihonipua Bailey of Maui for preserving and teaching the...