Switzerland Hula Classes
Switzerland – Hālau Hula Alapa’i I Ka Leo Mai
The name of the Swiss Hālau refers to our love for singing, our voice is leading us on the path.
For more information about Hula in Switzerland, visit www.kaimi.ch
Contact Christine by email (christine@kaimi.ch) or Manja (mjansch@haniku.ch)
Here is what we offer at the moment:
- Twice a year an intensive 3-4 days seminar in the area of Berne
- Introduction days: every 3 months
- Hālau practice days: every 3 months
- Local practice groups
- Since 2020 classes on Zoom, organized and led by Christine Ammann (christine@kaimi.ch)
- Performances and cultural events: for further information contact Christine (christine@kaimi.ch)
Verein Ka ’Imi Na’auao O Hawai`i Nei Schweiz (or Switzerland)
c/o Manja U. Jansch-Muser
Litzi 26
CH-8916 Jonen
+41-56-634 27 05

Manja U. Jansch-Muser is leading the Swiss Hālau as an Alaka’i. She is co-founder and president of the Verein Ka ‘Imi Na’auao O Hawai’i Nei, Switzerland. The “Verein” is our organizational body. Manja never heard of Hula until she met her Kumu Roselle Keli’ihonipua Bailey by chance in 2003. She has studied with her ever since.

Christine Ammann Is also co-founder and on the board of the Verein.
Christine has been dancing Hula since 2001 and studying with Kumu Roselle Bailey since 2004.