May 11, 2007 | Archives, Letters & Articles
Dear Roselle, When you asked us: “What did you learn?” — it was your last question in a long row of question regarding our two-week trip to Hawaii. That was not just a trip but a cultural journey. Learning about Hawaiian culture, in this case, meant learning...
Apr 27, 2007 | Archives, Performances/Workshops Hawaii & US
Sailing with Lata Exhibit Opening at Kauai Museum April 27, 2007 Before a distinguished company of sailors and scholars, members of Ka `Imi performed opening protocol for the Vaka Taumako Project’s “Sailing with Lata” exhibition on 27 April. The...
Apr 27, 2007 | Archives, Other News
April 27, 2007 5:00pm Kaua`i Museum in Lihu`e On 27 April, 2007, members of Ka ‘Imi Na’auao o Hawai’i Nei, led by Roselle Bailey, will perform opening protocol at Kaua`i Museum for the Sailing with Lata exhibition. The exhibit is being organized to...
Apr 11, 2007 | Archives, Articles by Roselle Bailey
By Roselle F.K. Bailey 1985 “Aole pau ka ike i ka halau ho`okahi … not all knowledge is found in one school.” Under the guidance of this Hawaiian proverb, I will share with you my views of the hula as I have learned it. For most people today, the hula means a wiggle...
Feb 11, 2007 | Archives, Articles by Roselle Bailey
By Roselle F.K. Bailey A time past, breathed into life, is hula. It is a moment reflected for someone. It is the aloha (love), the `eha (pain), the pono (hope), and the hu`eu (humor) of a people. It is the survival of that people. It is the people. It is Hawai`i! As...
Jan 15, 2007 | Archives, Performances/Workshops Abroad
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Oct 14, 2006 | Archives, Performances/Workshops Hawaii & US
As they do each October, members of Ka `Imi Na`auao o Hawai`I Nei assembled in Kanaloahuluhulu Meadow to honor Queen Emma at the annual Eo E Emalani i Alaka`i Festival. Even those who have participated in this event many times find it exciting. Each year’s...
Sep 30, 2006 | Archives, Performances/Workshops Hawaii & US
A Successful Educational Fund raising event was held September 30, 2006 for Kaimi and for Kolam Foundation to support our journey to India. Thanks go out to all who attended and all who worked on this wonderful event. We have been asked to make it an annual event! FOR...
Jul 28, 2006 | Archives, Performances/Workshops Hawaii & US
While we are sitting on the San Francisco airport, we reviewed the wonderful time we had during our Hula seminar on Maui and Kauai. It was a big adventure. For some of us it was the first trip to Hawai’i and therefore very exciting and sometimes overwhelming. Staying...