Anna’s Hawaii Experience

Anna’s Hawaii Experience

Dear Roselle, When you asked us: “What did you learn?” — it was your last question in a long row of question regarding our two-week trip to Hawaii. That was not just a trip but a cultural journey. Learning about Hawaiian culture, in this case, meant learning...
Sailing with Lata Exhibit

Sailing with Lata Exhibit

April 27, 2007 5:00pm Kaua`i Museum in Lihu`e On 27 April, 2007, members of Ka ‘Imi Na’auao o Hawai’i Nei, led by Roselle Bailey, will perform opening protocol at Kaua`i Museum for the Sailing with Lata exhibition. The exhibit is being organized to...
Hula – A Way of Life

Hula – A Way of Life

By Roselle F.K. Bailey 1985 “Aole pau ka ike i ka halau ho`okahi … not all knowledge is found in one school.” Under the guidance of this Hawaiian proverb, I will share with you my views of the hula as I have learned it. For most people today, the hula means a wiggle...
The Archives Of Grace

The Archives Of Grace

By Roselle F.K. Bailey A time past, breathed into life, is hula. It is a moment reflected for someone. It is the aloha (love), the `eha (pain), the pono (hope), and the hu`eu (humor) of a people. It is the survival of that people. It is the people. It is Hawai`i! As...