Hulu Mamo performance
Einsiedler Anzeiger report from July 9, 2019, Switzerland
Far away Hawaii – very near
Performance of Hawaiian dances in the Theatersaal of the Stiftsschule, Einsiedeln
“Hulu Mamo” – at the shores of time. Under this title The “Native Hawaiian Organization” (NHO) “Ka ‘Imi Na’auao O Hawai’i Nei Institute” was inviting to a journey into the Hawaiian past – present – future.
Without expectation, as I didn’t know anything, but interested and with open senses I let myself getting involved. And, to tell you ahead, after a performance of 1.5 hours I was deeply touched.
From Hildegard Berli-Kälin
The little I know about the Hawaiian culture, is “Ho’oponopono” the forgiving ritual and the “lomilomi-Massage”. Not much knowledge, however, these two rituals show that this culture is living in a very mindful way with the environment and the people and is defined by deep wisdom and the knowledge that everything takes its time. Something that our hectic and profit-controlled everyday life would benefit from. Christina Luginbühl was greeting the audience and introduced the present founder of the Institute, Roselle Keli’ihonipua F. Bailey and her daughter Sharon Ioana Balidoy, who had the musical and choreographic lead. For 40 years this organization has been dedicating itself to “the search of the truth of the Hawaiian culture“ and has been uniting Hula schools located in many parts of the world. The production is the result of bringing together many local rehearsings and is giving the chance for like-minded people from all over the world to join for the time of the tour.
Graceful, flowing, fascinating Graceful movements and beaming faces let forget how much disciplined body work and exercise is needed. Hands, arms, hips and feet are continuously doing different movements. An unparalleled coordination exercise. Each movement/gesture has a meaning and changes in a flow into the next one. The song becomes, in a double meaning, a moving story. Fascinating. The original musical instruments, the striking adornments as well as the lovingly decorated stage all this added to the exotic atmosphere. And over all was the honoring and appreciation of the ancestors, as well as the mindfulness towards nature. More current topics than ever before. And in the middle of it Hillu Kälin, from Einsiedeln, member of the group practicing in Affoltern. She has been dancing for 10 years and confesses that the coordination of the movements were difficult for her in the beginning. In my exchange with her I come in contact with deep joy and a beautiful radiance – expressed in words which are also to be found in the titles of the program: joy, respect, sharing, recognition, dignity, praise, help without expectations and many others. As
“educational performance” this dance is also a transporter of knowledge. More holistic is not possible.
Far away islands – very near Even though I didn’t understand everything, the dances and songs allowed me to dive into the culture of the Hawaiian people. I felt connected. Each dancer was present with body and heart and their expression showed joy and appreciation for their heritage and culture. Thanks to all the involved people for this experience. Far away Hawaii was very near.