Promo poster for the program in Switzerland.
Hulu Mamo
An exciting hula dance performance with dancers and musicians from Hawaii, Germany, Austria and Switzerland coming to Germany and Switzerland in the Summer of 2019. The first performance will be near Vogging, Germany on June 29 and will move on to Einsiedeln, Switzerland on July 6, 2019.
Hulu Mamo is about past – present – future. It includes our values, our “treasures”, which makes us who we are (present), what is important, what we pass on to our children (future) and what we learn from those who went before us (past).
These concepts are illustrated by a project – the construction of a Hawaiian canoe. With the knowledge of the “old” and the vigor of the “adults” and the inclusion of the “youth”, the skills and values that are our foundation are practiced. We create a strong foundation with flexibility so that we and our children, in particular, can meet the challenges of this world.
All dancers and musicians in this project Hulu Mamo volunteer and cover their travel expenses etc. themselves. This is a big financial challenge especially for our Hawaiian cast members.With your support, you are making a valuable, important contribution to the successful implementation of Hulu Mamo.
To realize a project of this size also requires many helpers and helpers who make the project possible. In this cooperation of all, the following Hawaiian values are used:
KŌKUA (help, even unsolicited, without expecting anything in return)
MĀLAMA (take care, preserve)
KŪPONO (standing sincerely on an honest foundation)
HO’ONANI (honor, praise, be grateful)
ALOHA (Comprehensive Love)
These and many other values are also part of our program and it turns out that we share many of these values with Hawaii!
With your support, you can make a valuable, important contribution to the successful implementation of Hulu Mamo. Donations can be made on the www.kaimi.org website (please note: for Hulu Mamo) or through our GoFundMe campaign https://www.gofundme.com/hawaiianeuropean-cultural-performance