Friendship Force of Kauai Exchange with Osaka, Japan
Ka `Imi members always enjoy their interactions with the Kaua`i branch of Friendship Force international. Since the Kaua`i club opened in 1984, Ka `Imi has helped its work to promote world peace by hosting Friendship Force Ambassadors from such diverse locales as Taiwan, New Zealand, Brazil, Germany, Japan, England, and Australia, as well as by performing for the Kaua`i club’s banquets and other functions. Most recently, our members taught Hawaiian culture to a group of Ambassadors from Osaka and Kyoto.
A highlight of the group’s visit was a “Hawaiian Culture Day”, at which the Ambassadors learned lei-making, ‘ukulele, pa`u la`i construction, and a simple dance, “Huki i ke Kalo” from their hosts. We think you will be able to see from Jesse Castro’s eloquent photos how much fun was had by all. (Mahalo, Jesse, for allowing us to use the pictures.)
*Anyone wanting to learn more about Friendship Force International’s program to create world peace one friendship at a time can check out the website:
(WARNING: make sure you type the address correctly. Do not look up unless you want to find a mail-order bride!)
- Osaka Friendship Force club President, Mr. Morimoto kicks up his heel learning the Molok`i Ku`i.
- Demonstrating good huki kalo technique.
- Haloa watches the Ambassadors dance in his honor.
- Heu`i teaching “Huki i ke Kalo”
- Ambassadors enjoying the hula class at “Hawaiian Culture Day”.
- Ambassadors posed with Ka`Imi performers at the farewell dinner in Po`ipu
- In a partial reprise of the Emalani program, Ka`Imi members danced “Maile Swing”.
- Performance in the Po`ipu Pavilion
- This has got to be a first – a pa`u la`i and kimono ensemble.
- Ambassadors proudly wore the pa`u la`i they made at “Hawaiian Culture Day” for their performance at the farewell dinner.
- Grand Finale: Ka`Imi members and Osaka Ambassadors danced “Huki i ke Kalo” together. The Ambassadors enjoyed themselves so much that they even insisted on doing their own Hana Hou!