Beater, usually manufactured from sennit, banana bark, or ti leaf, and used to strike the head of the KILU.
Shell or other trumpets, usually blown to demand attention.
Whistle, traditionally made from a kamani seed or
coconut shell. These would have one or more holes cut in them to
produce sound, and be attached to a long cord. When a performer
twirled the cord, air rushing through the holes would produce sound.
Small gourd whistles, somewhat like ocarinas
Shells of the freshwater snail Nerita granosa used as
Dancers employ implements to create sounds. Usually they will select implements in some way appropriate to the dance they are performing. For example, because Pele creates stones, `ili`ili often accompany dances in her honor. Dances about water may employ ipu, which Hawaiians once used as containers. Some of the traditional hula implements are:
Gourds filled with small shells, seeds, or pebbles. `Uli`uli have a handle attached to one end, and this handle usually is attached to a counterweight which may be covered with kapa, feathers, or both. Generally, but not always, people performing hula in the ancient manner will use a single `uli`uli decorated with natural feathers and tapa, or with an unadorned handle. Brightly dyed feathers usually cover the heads of `uli`uli used in modern style dances, and dancers will commonly perform with two of these implements.
Pebbles. Dancers will usually hold two of these in each hand and strike them against each other like castanets.
Treadle; a flat board on which a dancer would place one foot. By moving her/his foot up and down, s/he would create a base beat. Papa hehi were used to accompany certain hula kala`au.
An excellent source on how to make your own Hawaiian musical instrument is the book called “HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN HAWAIIAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS” by Jerry Hopkins, ISBN: 0-935848-66-5