Support our WorkKa `Imi Na`auao O Hawaii Nei Institute is an educational, tax-exempt organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Hawaiian culture. The organization’s by-laws state the mission as follows:
“To search for the truth of the Hawaiian culture. To restore Hawaiian culture to its original dignity; to educate the populace for its understanding, enjoyment and appreciation of medicine, art, language, crafts, philosophy and religion of the Hawaiian people, through hula.”
If you would like to support the work of Ka `Imi Na`auao O Hawaii Nei Institute please use the Donate button and our secure PayPal payment gateway below:
To support our work, please fill out the form below to donate in the spirit of Aloha & Kokua for $25 per year.
Donate in the spirit of Aloha & Kokua:
You may make your donation in the spirit of Aloha & Kokua via PayPal (see below) or send your payment to the following address:
Ka `Imi Na`auao O Hawaii Nei Institute
P.O. Box 1686
Kapa’a, Kaua`i, Hawai`i 96746