Switzerland Hula Classes
For more information about Hula in Switzerland, visit www.kaimi.ch or contact Manja U. Jansch-Muser by email at mjansch@haniku.ch
Manja U. Jansch-Muser
Manja Jansch, coming from Switzerland, is in her 16th year of dancing Hula. She never heard of Hula until she met her kumu Roselle Keli’ihonipua Bailey by chance in 2003. She has studied with her ever since.
Studying Hula in Switzerland means getting teachings from the kumu twice a year and then the students are practicing on their own, digesting during the months in between and supporting each other.
Manja Jansch grew up in Switzerland. After her diploma as a primary school teacher she studied movement therapy and dance. She was always working as a movement teacher and became very experienced in various other professions such as bookkeeping and human resources, teaching in many outdoor programs.
Since more than 20 years she has been working in her own practice (countryside and clinic), as a Craniosacral therapist. This is a very soft and subtle method working with bones, connective tissue and fluids with clients of all ages from 0 -100.
Manja Jansch is deeply rooted in Switzerland, but in her family there are lines of locally oriented people as well as ancestors who wanted to find out more about other countries. So she grew up between the mountains and the airport.
Her excitement and deep desire to understand more about Hula and the Hawaiian culture has brought her several times to the islands, where she continues to learn with Roselle Bailey and other members of Ka ‘Imi.
She is co-founder and president of Ka ‘Imi Na’auao O Hawai’i Nei, Switzerland (Verein), leading the Swiss Halau as an Alaka’i.
The name of our Verein:
Ka ’Imi Na’auao O Hawaii Nei Schweiz (or Switzerland)
c/o Manja U. Jansch-Muser
Rebbergstrasse 23
CH-8917 Oberlunkhofen
Tel 0041-56-634 27 05
Email: mjansch@haniku.ch
Website: www.kaimi.ch
name of our Halau: Hula Alapa’i I Ka Leo Mai