Germany Hula Classes
Hālau Ne`e Mai Nā `Iwa Me Hi`iaka
The Hālau Ne`e Mai Nā `Iwa Me Hi`iaka stands on the foundation of 20 years of teaching by Roselle Keli`ihonipua Bailey and is led by Andrea Kandler and Anna Wiesheu, with the support of Karin Jung and Gabi Semmel (Hālau Noho Ka Manawa I Hula Alapa`i in Frankenthal, Palatinate), Diana Meinshausen and Dr. Ursula Reitberger.
It’s homebase and center for regular gatherings and intensive hula seminars is an old farmhouse in Bavaria which is also the home of the healing and retreat center OMNA Institute Ola Mai Na`au Ali`i – owned by Andrea Kandler.
The Hālau operates as a non-profit organisation with the name „Ka `Imi Na`auao – in Dialogue with Hawai`i e.V.“ with the aim to promote peace and enlightenment through the Hawaiian art and science of hula.
We facilitate artistic cooperations, cultural exchanges, educational field-trips and invite guest teachers from Hawai`i and other places worldwide. We offer hula classes at various places in southern Germany -Frankenthal, Kronach, Eggenfelden – and Salzburg (Austria), as well as online.
Please find information on current classes and events on our website: